
Get Action—Apple’s Advertising Emphasizes Doing Things

10.22.2014 Business

The general stereotype of the computer nerd is someone living in a dark, cluttered basement or dimly lit room. It’s someone who lives hunched over in front of a glowing screen. It is a stereotype, but if you, like I, have spent time around hard core developers, gamers, and redditors you probably won’t find this […]

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Take Two Books And Call Me In The Morning

03.03.2014 Books and Literature

I read and enjoy eBooks. They are inexpensive, convenient, and so easy to purchase. And yet I remain a dinosaur. There is something about having a physical book close by that calms me. When the pain in my back creeps up, when I’m overwhelmed by life and work, there is nothing that calms me more […]

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Look Up From Your Screen

04.05.2011 Books and Literature

This morning I stopped in a small restaurant for a bite and must have missed the breakfast rush. Only one other table was occupied. So I set up my iPad on a table by the window and glanced at the menu. “I’ll be right with you,” the young waitress told me as she hurried by. […]

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