Steve Jobs

Wearing An iPod Nano As A Watch And Prototyping The Future

01.31.2012 Future

I am so predictable. When Apple released the 6th generation of the iPod Nano and Steve Jobs joked that people would start wearing them as watches, I instantly went on alert. It made perfect sense. And very soon many adapters/bands/cases became available to do just that. I’ll review one later this week. But I drew [...]

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Quite Possibly The Best iPhone Case Ever

01.26.2012 gadgets

This iPhone case is so full of win that I can barely keep from giggling just looking at it. A good friend of mine, Elizabethe Kramer, just returned from a two month business trip in China and she bought this just for me. She and her husband Steve were also sporting new iPhone cases, each [...]

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Judged And Found Wanting

01.09.2012 Art

Writing is a difficult business. The hardest part is to write in the first place. The next hardest thing is to open yourself to criticism. You do not, as many will tell you, need to grow a thick skin. What you need to do is open yourself to the possibility that you could do better. [...]

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Trajectory - How Steve Jobs Changed Everything

10.06.2011 Art

When I read the news of Steve Jobs passing last night, read it, in fact, on Twitter, I sighed, then put my iPhone away. I’d expected to hear of Steve Jobs passing at any time, but I was still surprised at the depth of my feelings at his passing. I never met the man, but [...]

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Things Change, But Not As Much As You’d Suspect

08.25.2011 blogging

The news came, late in the day yesterday, that Steve Jobs had resigned as CEO of Apple. I’ve already said what I wanted to say in my post this last Monday. I refer you to it: The Foundation Of The Future: Isaac Asimov, Steve Jobs, and What’s Next.

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