Time For A Fresh Start

by Randy Murray on June 24, 2010

July 1 represents a clear milestone, the midpoint of the calendar year. It’s a useful indicator and pausing point to consider those tasks and projects we’ve selected or been assigned for this year.

What have you accomplished this year? What remains?

If you’ve accomplished some great things, celebrate them now. Then put them behind you.

If you’re been struggling and wrestling with problems, examine them. Then put them behind you.

July 1, just like January 1, is just a mark on the calendar. Dragging the weight of accomplishments and failures and pushing against the load of work before you is tiring and unproductive. It’s living life like Marley’s ghost, dragging the chains you’ve forged in life, bound up in missed opportunities, failures, and loss.

Instead, learn to live life like a salesperson. What you sold last month, last quarter, or last year means nothing. This is a fresh month and it only matters what you do today.  Being the best last year makes for a nice trophy or certificate to hang on the wall. Missing your target last month was painful. But today starts a new month. It’s your fresh start.

What lies ahead for you? You’ve got a full half year ahead of you.

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1 Mari June 24, 2010 at 2:04 pm

Oh, that’s smart advice, Randy. Your optimism is why I enjoy reading you every day!


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