Vacation Tips In This Over-Connected Age: Disconnect From The Email Server

by Randy Murray on July 27, 2010

If you’re like me, you probably carry a iPhone or some other device that lets you send and receive business and work email along with your personal email. Normally this is very convenient, but on vacations, it’s a distraction from your relaxin’.

It’s not enough to just say, “I won’t read my work email,” because you’ll see that little “unread” indicator showing you how much your email, and by extension your work, is backing up.

Trust me, the work will be there when you get back. If you’re prepared and responsible, you’ve readied other staff to handle issues that arise and no clients will be left waiting while you sit on the beach.

But there’s that counter. And it will nag at you.

Turn it off. Disconnect from the server. Tell your Smartphone to take a vacation as well.

Without the counter, you won’t be tempted to peak, to read just a few, and maybe call in and deal with a few things.

Just turn it off and wait until you return to switch it back on.

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