You Are Not Responsible For Other People’s Productivity

by Randy Murray on February 24, 2011

Productivity is a completely personal pursuit. You cannot and should not take on the responsibility for someone else.

I’ve tried, and quickly learned, that one cannot and should not attempt to include your spouse or your children in your current productivity plans. The best that I’ve been able to manage is to have everyone put things that they want me to do in my inbox. Even the “lead by example” approach doesn’t appear to have any effect. In fact, few others even think about the things they have to do as “productivity.” They’re just the things they have to do.

I’ve learned to accept it, and they have learned how to humor my systems and my attempts to keep myself productive and relaxed. And I have learned not to try and get them to use the latest software I’m trying or to process all of their to-dos into contexts and projects.

Productivity is how I get things done. If I’m managing other people, I can specify how we get things done together, but I can’t extend that over their entire lives. They have to work that out for themselves.

It’s different if someone asks for my help. That I’m happy to give. But I’m done with evangelism for any of my enthusiasms. I’ll talk and write about what excites me, but I won’t try and convert anyone to my productivity system, my OS of choice, my current favorite author or musician, or my school of philosophical thought.

I’m far too busy just taking care of my own business.

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  • Randy Murray on Not Being Responsible For Other People’s Productivity | The Cranking Widgets Blog February 24, 2011

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