Some Repairs Needed

by Randy Murray on June 26, 2014

Apparently I’ve arrived at that stage in life where many of the moving parts of my body require some repair and maintenance. I am soon having arthroscopic surgery on my right knee to repair a torn meniscus.

This will be the third surgery in three years running. Neck, back, and now, the knee.

I should have purchased the extended warranty.

What did I do to the knee? Damned if I know. I’d spent a week hiking in the Smokey Mountains with my wife with no problems. Then I got home and stepping down from my house into my garage I felt an explosion of pain. I guess I was lucky that I wasn’t two miles up a mountain trail when it happened, although it might have been fun being carried down by paramedics or getting a free helicopter ride.

I’m really quite fortunate. All of these operations are relatively straightforward and the results, so far, have been good. I’m hopeful that this one will help put me on the path of greater activity and health.

Fortunately, I can carry my Macbook Pro or iPad with me, get comfortable, and continue writing. We’re still open during renovations!

Next year I’m hoping for adamantium bone plating, but I’m not sure that my insurance covers that procedure.

Some Repairs Needed by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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