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Writing Assignment: Visit A Library And Write About Books

September 3, 2010

If your goal is to become a better writer, you need to practice. Here’s your writing assignment for today: visit your local library and write a short piece about what books mean to you. As a writer, you need to develop the skill of being able to write virtually anywhere, particularly in public places. The [...]

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Why Print Must Continue

September 2, 2010

A lot of ink and electrons are being spent talking about the end of physical books, the death of print. I’ve speculated about it myself. And I sit here at my desk, writing on my iMac with my iPhone in my pocket and my iPad propped up on the desk. But on the other side [...]

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The Gaps In Your Knowledge

September 1, 2010

You do not know everything. In fact, you are mistaken, wrong about a great many things. Even worse, you have gaps in your knowledge that likely cause you to hold opinions and make decisions that are counter to your own interests and welfare. And the less you know, the more likely you are to think [...]

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Get Thee To A Library

August 31, 2010

You should make your local library one of the places that you visit regularly. Especially if you’re playing The Spend Nothing Game. I’m fortunate to have an excellent community library near by. The Westerville Public Library is a wonderful place to work in public (which we’ll talk about in Friday’s Writing Assignment) and has an [...]

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Sewer And Water, Fire Departments, Police, And Libraries

August 30, 2010

Life is always a matter of choosing one’s priorities. As an individual, you have only twenty-four hours a day, out of which you really need to take time to sleep. You have limited time and energy, and you can’t do everything. A community is no different in this respect from the individual. There’s only so [...]

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