Writing Assignment: Write The Rest Of This Story Starting With “It Was A Dark And Stormy Night”

by Randy Murray on November 15, 2013

While focusing on learning the craft of writing it’s far too easy to lose sight of the fact that writing can be fun. And it should be. Writing can be a joyous expression of our feelings, hopes, and dreams. It can be clever, funny, and mischievous. Writing can be a totally freeing experience.

I find that when I’m getting bogged down on a writing project that I sometimes need to remind myself of this. To do this I take a break and write something else. Something just for me. It doesn’t have to be serious, meaningful, or marketable. It’s like taking a deep breath and saying, “OK, let’s have a little fun.”

The reason that we practice our craft is to learn things that we can internalize. Writing for fun lets us forget about the lessons, exercises, and assignments and just WRITE. And those things that we’ve learned and practiced will come out, just a bit, when we set them aside and just concentrate on the fun.

For today’s writing assignment, have some fun and write a brief story or essay starting with the much parodied opening, “It was a dark and stormy night.” What happens next? Does a shot ring out? Does a wolf howl at the moon? Does Parker, the butler, announce an unexpected guest? Start with the opening and find out for yourself.

And remember, the point of this exercise is just to have fun.

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