Speed Reading Redux

by Randy Murray on March 19, 2014

I see there’s a new spate of speed reading advocates, accompanied by software and apps. Spritz is one I’ve seen on the news.

Can you read faster? Yes. Probably.

Should you? No, probably not.

Reading fast gives one the impression of progress, success, accomplishment. But does speed reading deliver the same results as reading at your normal speed? I don’t think so. Reading without comprehension is pointless.

You can drive by beautiful country at 80 miles per hour. Did you really see it?

For me, reading is about thought. If you don’t have time to think about things while you’re reading you are missing point of reading. Why hurry? Do you really think that swallowing business and self-help books whole will make you successful? Will racing through that tome in minutes make you better informed?

Stop. Spend some time in the scenery. Breath.

Slow the hell down. Some of the smartest people that I know, people who deeply understand things, are very slow readers. They read, think, make notes, and ponder things. Speed reading is a con job. It robs you of the thing you hope to gain by reading.

Do you want to read more and gain more from it? Set aside more time in your day. That’s how you’ll benefit from your reading. That’s how you’ll grow.

Speed reading is a waste of your time.

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