
Thankful For Simple Things: Fizzy Water

11.27.2013 Food and Cooking

I work at home and a great deal of my day is spent sitting or standing, staring at a screen, and typing like a madman. Somedays I don’t get farther away from the house than the mailbox. And I find that when I am deepest in the work that the simplest of things can be […]

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Writing Assignment: Describe the Taste of Water

04.26.2013 Writing Assignments

Mastering description is one of the most difficult writing skills and it must be continually reinforced and relearned. The skilled writer can weave descriptions of objects, place, even people into a story in such a way that the reader is never removed from the narrative stream. Others may offer descriptions of such beauty that it […]

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Whisky Assignments: Add Water or Not?

04.08.2013 Whisky

Here’s the short answer: yes. When drinking your Scotch whisky the object is to enjoy and experience it, not to conform to some standard or expectation of how you should do it. Neat, just the whisky, nothing else, isn’t always the best way to do that. A bit of water, just a bit, can help […]

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Rain Gardens Redux

11.01.2012 Environment

If you’re interested in making a real green impact where you live you should think about building a rain garden. What’s a rain garden? It’s basically a bit of landscaping that’s dug down into the ground rather than placed on top of a mound. It collects and rain water and limits the runoff that can […]

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Reviewed: Aerobie AeroPress Espresso Maker

01.19.2012 Food and Cooking

I’m a latecomer to the Aerobie AeroPress, but I’m now an official convert. This is a terrific little coffee maker. By my count, I had five different coffee and espresso makers, six with the new AeroPress. I have a conventional drip coffee maker, a Nespresso machine (used in Cinema Murray for making espresso and coffee […]

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