About First Today, Then Tomorrow

Randy Murray, though trained as a playwright, has spent the last two and a half decades writing for others, primarily as a technology marketer. Here at First Today, Then Tomorrow he’ll share his thoughts on business, life, writing, productivity, and the shape of things to come.

He lives and works just outside Columbus, Ohio.

Need to get in touch with Randy?  You can email him at [email protected] or if it’s REALLY urgent, use this form http://awayfind.com/randymurray

A word or two on my product review policy.

I review products here I like and dislike. I am open to reviewing your product. If you send me your product, I make no promise on using it or reviewing it - that remains completely at my discretion. Anything you might send me becomes my property and I will keep it or dispose of it at will.

If you wish to pay me to review your product, I will; however, this does not guarantee you a positive review and the review will state that I was paid.

You want positive? I am always happy, under contract, to write your marketing materials, white papers, sales sheets, etc., or to consult with you on the marketing and sales of your product and service.

Please do not send me unpublished manuscripts or materials to review unless you have previously contracted me to do so.

If you hire me to write for you, specifically ghost writing or blogging, I will not be able to promote that work here on this site unless you specifically and in writing permit me to disclose the paid relationship.

A word about comments on this site.

The comments on this site are moderated. I will not edit or change your comments, only approve or remove. I welcome comments, as long as they are brief, on point, and use common courtesy.  I will not permit abusive or derogatory comments - directed at me or others. I invite you to comment and join in on the discussion, even disagree with me (God knows my family and friends do).

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 missy March 4, 2010 at 11:56 pm

And I just read this and find nothing about Columbus! Anyway, it’s neat to find a fellow Buckeye.


2 Randy Murray March 5, 2010 at 12:01 am

Drat. Knew I forgot something. Perhaps if you’d refresh your page . . .


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