to do

Tear Up Your Todo List

06.12.2014 GTD

Sometimes when I look at the backlog on my DVR I feel overwhelmed. So many things that I need to watch! If I don’t get serious I’ll run out of space! And then I remember that they’re just TV shows, not obligations. So what if I don’t watch them? And If I have a series […]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Collect Your Thoughts

01.02.2012 GTD

Many people make lists of things to do, but their minds are frequently filled with other thoughts. They’re not all things to do. If you find yourself having a difficult time getting things done, even if you’ve captured all your to-dos, perhaps you need to clear out some other things, too. Try this: sit down, […]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Delete Something From Your To-Do List

11.17.2011 GTD

This is one of the most powerful tools in helping yourself get things done: delete things from your to-do list. I didn’t say to check them off as completed. I said delete them. If you make long lists of things to do, you probably have things on that list that don’t really need to be […]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Draw Your Day

11.15.2011 GTD

To-do lists are made of of words. Lot of words. Too many words. Your list may seem impossibly long. You’ll never get all of these things done. And sometimes, often, it’s hard to see how you’ll do any of them today. Seeing is the key word. Seeing your list as pictures might just help you […]

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