Writing Assignment: Write Your Excuses

by Randy Murray on August 12, 2011

Writers write. It doesn’t get any simpler than that.

If you want to write, if you feel the calling, then you have to sit down and do it. There are no excuses. No lack of time, no uncertainty about what to write about. You must write.

So today, you will write.

For today’s writing assignment, you will write three excuses for why you cannot write, and answer each one. Provide as much depth as you can for each excuse. If you have no time for writing, say so, and provide the detail to prove it. If you can’t think of the right thing to write, explore that and tell us why. And then, for each excuse, tell your reader why that excuse doesn’t matter and what you’ll do about it.

This might be an exercise that you carry in your pocket, expand upon, and perfect. If you want to be a writer, but can’t be, at least your excuses should be good ones.

But perhaps, you’ll find that they’re not the barriers and obstacles that you thought they were. Perhaps, with a bit more practice, with some time spent writing, you’ll discover that you can write, have the time, and have something to write about.

Let’s see if your excuses hold up.


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The Writing Assignment: Write Your Excuses by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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