
Reviewed: Aerobie AeroPress Espresso Maker

01.19.2012 Food and Cooking

I’m a latecomer to the Aerobie AeroPress, but I’m now an official convert. This is a terrific little coffee maker. By my count, I had five different coffee and espresso makers, six with the new AeroPress. I have a conventional drip coffee maker, a Nespresso machine (used in Cinema Murray for making espresso and coffee [...]

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A Strong Play Ethic

11.09.2011 Art

People often laugh and are amazed when they spend any time around me. I tend to take things to unexpected extremes. OK, not just some things, pretty much everything. I even take my play time very seriously. I’m the guy who started out by saying, “Hey, if I put a couch down here and got [...]

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Writing Assignment: The Smell Of And Taste Of Coffee

09.09.2011 Food and Cooking

Your own senses are unique. You smell, taste, feel, hear, and see the world, not just from a distinctive point of view, but with tools that help you to perceive the world in a way that, while it might be similar to others’ perceptions, is not precisely identical. It’s your view of the world and [...]

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The Secret To Ultimate Coffee Flavor: Small Cups

09.08.2011 Food and Cooking

That’s it. That’s the secret to being able to drink coffee at the peak of its brewed flavor and at your ideal temperature. Use a thermos, a carafe, or an insulated flask and pour yourself a measure in a small cup. Find one that holds no more than six ounces. Think dainty china cups, not [...]

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Working The French Press: Great Coffee, Easy - Video

09.07.2011 Food and Cooking

Here’s a short instructional video on how to use a French Press to make great tasting coffee. Making Coffee: The French Press from Randy Murray on Vimeo.

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