Writing Assignment: Describe Waking Suddenly From A Dream

by Randy Murray on September 24, 2010

If your goal is to become a better writer, you need to practice. Here’s your writing assignment for today: describe the experience of waking suddenly from a dream.

Dreaming is a universal human aspect. It is the part of ourselves that tells us stories from all of the things we see, feel, and think. Anything can and does become a part of the narrative of our dreams. The state of dreaming is so engrossing that when one is abruptly awakened from a deep dream, the experience is jarring.

In today’s assignment write a short piece describing your experience of waking suddenly from a dream. Focus on how you felt and what you experienced.

Here’s my example:

Too early, far too early, the alarm sounds and I startle awake and cry aloud, surprised, distressed, and confused. Consciousness is sudden, too harsh, even in the comfort of my bed. It’s far too abrupt. It’s a slap, a full body blow, like an unexpected ocean wave breaking over me as I turn to look out to sea.

You may leave your completed assignment in the comments section below.

Thanks to Mari Baskin for suggesting the topic of this Writing Assignment.

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The Writing Assignment: Describe Waking Suddenly From A Dream by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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1 Mari September 24, 2010 at 11:42 am

Am I standing on a gravel road? Or am I lying in bed? Am I clutching the puffy folds of my down jacket? Or am I clutching my blanket? Didn’t I just see the driver of the red sports car being shot repeatedly? His head slapped left and right by gun fire? Naw…he’s in the kitchen grinding coffee beans and I am lying in my bed, eyes wide open, heart pounding.

(Yes…this nightmare was my inspiration for the suggestion. Have a great weekend, Randy!)


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