
Books Over Blogs

03.31.2011 blogging

“Books are the new business cards,” I’m told. I also hear that “books are dead.” “Nobody reads any more.” “I don’t have time to read books.” For me, reading books is like breathing, necessary to maintain life and sanity. I’ve come to understand that a book isn’t the paper it’s printed on. A book isn’t [...]

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Reading, Not Surfing

03.30.2011 blogging

The universe is filled with endlessly fascinating things. You could spend all of your days jumping from one thing to the next. And you can spend hours here and there surfing from topic to topic. Or you can spend an hour reading, exploring something in depth. Some claim that “blogging is dead” or that books [...]

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Some Things I Learned By Showing Up

03.28.2011 blogging

Last week I was on the road again. Although I grow to dislike air travel more and more, I find that showing up in person trumps hours of video conferencing, thousands of tweets, and an infinite string of emails. Don’t get me wrong; this future world that we live in is marvelous. I’m making connections, [...]

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Simple Productivity Task of The Day: Remove A Blog From Your RSS Feed

05.06.2010 GTD

Today’s tip very simple, but it may be difficult for you to do: go to your RSS reader* and delete one of your feeds. I’m betting that a great number of the sites you follow don’t add anything to your life, your business, or improve your mood. Today, select just one, only one, and delete [...]

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